
Mitropacup am 23.02.2024 (Siegerehrung)

Capture date: 23.02.2024
Place: Apolda
Photographer: Klaus Jäger, Bernd Vökler

Die Fotos von Klaus Jäger dürfen nur nach vorheriger Genehmigung verwendet werden!

Klaus Jaeger's photos may only be used with prior permission!

Quantity: 36 images
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Klaus Jaeger
Andreas Gebhardt and Max Christoph Merkel
Bernd Voekler
Andreas Gebhardt and Max Christoph Merkel
Best players board 2: 1. Dorina Demeter (Hungary), 2. Jana Schneider (Germany), 3. Manon Schippke (France)
Bernd Voekler
Best players board 2: 1. Dorina Demeter (Hungary), 2. Jana Schneider (Germany), 3. Manon Schippke (France)
Best players board 3: 2. Alexander Donchenko (Germany), 3. Alberto David (Italy), 1. Paul Velten (France)
Bernd Voekler
Best players board 3: 2. Alexander Donchenko (Germany), 3. Alberto David (Italy), 1. Paul Velten (France)
Best players board 3: 1. Sofiia Hryzlova (Switzerland), 2. Hanna Marie Klek (Germany), 3. Tea Gueci (Italy)
Bernd Voekler
Best players board 3: 1. Sofiia Hryzlova (Switzerland), 2. Hanna Marie Klek (Germany), 3. Tea Gueci (Italy)
Best players board 4: 2. Mariia Manko (Switzerland), 1. Lara Schulze (Germany), 3. Vesna Mihelic (Slovenia)
Bernd Voekler
Best players board 4: 2. Mariia Manko (Switzerland), 1. Lara Schulze (Germany), 3. Vesna Mihelic (Slovenia)
Best players on the substitute board: 1. Frederik Svane (Germany), 2. Jachym Nemec (Czech Republic)
Bernd Voekler
Best players on the substitute board: 1. Frederik Svane (Germany), 2. Jachym Nemec (Czech Republic)
Best players on the substitute board: 1. Kateryna Dolzhykova (Germany), 2. Emilia Deak-Sala (Austria)
Bernd Voekler
Best players on the substitute board: 1. Kateryna Dolzhykova (Germany), 2. Emilia Deak-Sala (Austria)
Mitropacup winners Germany: Frederik Svane, Dmitrij Kollars, Rasmus Svane and Alexander Donchenko with DSB President Ingrid Lauterbach. Matthias Bluebaum and captain Jan Gustafsson are missing.
Bernd Voekler
Mitropacup winners Germany: Frederik Svane, Dmitrij Kollars, Rasmus Svane and Alexander Donchenko with DSB President Ingrid Lauterbach. Matthias Bluebaum and captain Jan Gustafsson are missing.
Marco Biagioli, President of the Mitropa Chess Association
Bernd Voekler
Marco Biagioli, President of the Mitropa Chess Association
Mitropacup winners women Germany: Kateryna Dolzhykova, Lara Schulze, Hanna Marie Klek, Jana Schneider, Josefine Heinemann and captain Yuri Jakovich
Bernd Voekler
Mitropacup winners women Germany: Kateryna Dolzhykova, Lara Schulze, Hanna Marie Klek, Jana Schneider, Josefine Heinemann and captain Yuri Jakovich
Third place for Switzerland in the women's tournament
Bernd Voekler
Third place for Switzerland in the women's tournament
Last round in the women's tournament: Czech Republic and Germany
Bernd Voekler
Last round in the women's tournament: Czech Republic and Germany
Sponsor representatives from Ospelt and UKA
Bernd Voekler
Sponsor representatives from Ospelt and UKA
Susanne Guellmar (Ospelt) with the Mitropacup, an apple
Bernd Voekler
Susanne Guellmar (Ospelt) with the Mitropacup, an apple


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